Links, Layers and Labels

The Concept:

  • Neurons link information together.
  • Information is stored in layers. Different layers have different levels of detail.
  • Labels are used as shorthand for layers of details on links between information.

Knowledge, Wisdom and Skill

  • Knowledge is links between information.
  • Wisdom is an understanding of context specific value.
  • Skill is the ability to link information and action to produce specific outcomes.

References / Sparks

  • Culture Code – Dave Cooper & AARs
  • Creativity Inc. – Brain Trust
  • Never Split The Difference


Excited About

The Culture Code (30 Jan 2018) by Dan Coyle


Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull

The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis

Team of Teams by Stanley McChrystal

The Talent Code by Dan Coyle

Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss


2013 AHA / ACC Lifestyle Workgroup

The report:

The recommendations for fat:

” ”

” ”

The claim:

The Evidence Cited:

ES 11:

ES 12:

The focus of the evidence review:

Study design for clinical trials and meta-analysis of clinical trials (analysis of combined results from multiple trials).

The assumption:

Reducing LDL-C will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What isn’t discussed in the review:

Risk associated with the medical intervention. Specifically, risk from consumption of excess linoleic acid.

Spectrum of Awareness

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

The Concept:

Awareness is similar to the visual spectrum. There are things above the spectrum which go over our heads and we’re not aware of. There are also things which we assume everyone knows that we dismiss and don’t pay attention to.

The difference between the visual spectrum and the spectrum of awareness is that the majority of people share relatively the same visual spectrum but we all have significantly different spectrums of awareness.

The visual spectrum is a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. There is a lot we can’t see.

Our spectrums are different for different subjects and fields. If you ask a fish to climb a tree it will fail. If you ask a fish to breath under water it won’t understand why you’re wasting it’s time.

The 2nd Enlightenment

In the 1st Enlightenment, the “age of reason”, opened up the exploration of “why?”. The idea of the 1st Enlightenment was that through study you could figure out how things work and make them better.

In the 2nd Enlightenment we’re finding out our brains aren’t as rational or reasoned as we thought they were. We’re coming to the realization that emotions play a much bigger role in shaping our perception, understanding and decisions.



The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis

Win Bigly by Scott Adams


  • What should we teach our kids?
  • What’s the relationship between parents and kids?
  • What should we pass down?
  • What’s the importance of family?
  • What’s the role of families over generations?